New michigan firearm laws

I have not seen the updated Firearms Laws of Michigan posted yet, but I wanted to share some information with you relating to the new laws that went into effect as of 2/13/24, specifically the Safe Storage Law. This should have always been standard practice for every gun owner, but now it is written into the law. You are required to lock down your guns that are not in use and under your direct control (on body for example) when there are minors present or that you reasonably know they could be present.

The first files have been charged against a Flint man just one day after the new Safe Gun Storage Law went into effect. His 2 year old daughter shot herself when she found the loaded handgun. Read the CBS News article here.

Biometric Gun Safe Recall Article - Click Here

The following is text from using the new Microsoft Copilot AI tool. You can follow the links to news articles as well.

new Michigan gun laws:

  1. Safe Storage Law:

  2. Expanded Universal Background Checks:

    • The state has implemented stricter background checks for firearm purchases. These checks aim to enhance safety by ensuring that individuals with concerning backgrounds do not have access to guns.

  3. Red Flag Law (Extreme Risk Protection Order):

These changes were prompted by tragic incidents, including mass school shootings, which underscored the need for stronger gun safety measures in Michigan. By implementing these laws, the state aims to protect its residents and prevent further loss of life. 🌟🔒🔫

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