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Steve Oja Steve Oja

Just a Matter of Time

In the late 1980’s, I started to consider going through the process of obtaining my CPL in Michigan. Back then, it was a little more cumbersome than it is today, and I never followed through. It was not until after the events of September 11, 2001, that I decided to finally get my CPL. My main reason for getting it was about the fear of terror here in the U.S. I wanted to be prepared to protect my family and support others if I was ever in a situation that called for it.

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Steve Oja Steve Oja

Constitutional Carry

I was 12 years old when I got my first job.  I became a caddy at Red Run, a local private golf club.  It was hard work for very little pay.  On Saturday’s and Sunday’s, we would get to the course by 5:30 in the morning (or earlier) just to get our place on the bench along with other caddies. Sometimes we would wait for hours before it became our turn to carry clubs for some old rich guy or his wife.

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Steve Oja Steve Oja

Have the right tools

Shortly after we moved into our second home, I started working on a project where I needed a circular saw. As my wife and I were looking at the local Sears tool department, she asked me a question. “Why are you looking over here? You know that you will buy from over there.” She was pointing to the more expensive saws.

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Steve Oja Steve Oja

New michigan firearm laws

I have not seen the updated Firearms Laws of Michigan posted yet, but I wanted to share some information with you relating to the new laws that went into effect as of 2/13/24, specifically the Safe Storage Law. This should have always been standard practice for every gun owner, but now it is written into the law.

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Steve Oja Steve Oja

So you want to carry

One of the greatest responsibilities that each of us has is to protect ourselves and those we love. Thankfully we still have the second amendment which allows us to do so with a firearm. The second amendment says:

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Steve Oja Steve Oja

Protect the flock

This past Sunday (February 11, 2024) serves as just another reminder to those who lead our churches and other houses of worship that they have a responsibility to protect their flocks. A woman walked into Joel Osteen’s church in Houston with a long gun, a child in tow and starts to shoot. Fortunately, the shooter was taken down rather quickly. This is another example of the hate that is in our world and the actions the evil are willing to take.

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Steve Oja Steve Oja

What’s in a Name and logo?

I have been using the Sisu Firearms name since I started teaching classes more than 10 years ago. It wasn’t until just recently though that I renamed my LLC. I did so because I wanted to create a website where students (both future as well as past) could go for information, and I will do my best to keep it current and relevant. Since my old LLC name was more obscure, I created a new LLC that matches the domain name of the website of sisufirearms.com.

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