“I met Steve quite a few years ago when I joined a volunteer security team that Steve led at a large church in the area. Having been in law enforcement for 40 years I was immediately aware of his strong leadership, communications and personal skills along with his great organizational skills and attention to detail.

Having been a certified Law enforcement trainer for a large agency in many disciplines that were specific and unique to law enforcement, including firearms and weapons, I was very impressed with Steve’s knowledge and skills in firearms training. Specifically as a firearms trainer, knowledge of specific related laws, tactics and current security issues and how to respond to them. 

In my opinion all of these strong skills, attributes and qualities make him the finest CPL Instructor that I know. Knowing the importance of proper training and instruction for concealed carry, when my own son asked me who he should go to I immediately told him to register with Steve for his class. Steve does not take shortcuts in his training, when you complete his class you will be totally equipped for concealed carry and that is why I have only recommended him to individuals who have asked me for a CPL Instructor.”

— David Strasz, Retired LEO

“I took Steve’s CPL class in his house with two family members. First of all, we all really appreciated the private class taught by Steve where it was just us! This made it so there was a lot of time for back and fourth communication and questions the whole time. Steve kept us engaged in conversation and questions relating to the course which helped the learning experience. Steve was extremely professional and safety conscious throughout the whole class, both at His home and at the range. He communicated all the content for the class clearly and I walked away learning a lot. He had a PowerPoint to go along with the class that was easy to follow and comprehend.

I would highly recommend Sisu Firearms to anyone looking to take a CPL class!”

- Grace

“Over the years, I’ve attended many classes for CPL. Before moving to Michigan, I held a CPL in Ohio. From all the classes I've had, Steve was the best instructor.   He is extremely knowledgeable. I learned a lot from him. He knew the material better than anyone. In my class, there were a couple novice gun owners. He was very patient and encouraging with them.  Even when they made mistakes, he firmly and kindly kept control of the safety at the range. I would highly recommend taking any concealed carry classes with him. He is a true expert!”

— Shane

“Steve has taught several CPL classes that we have hosted at our place of worship. I have personally found his teaching beneficial, a sentiment which has been echoed by other members of our worship community. Steve is well-informed about the legal aspects of concealed carry, offering practical and hands-on instruction. As security is a necessary concern at places of worship, Steve has also provided insight into ways in which we can improve our security processes. I highly recommend his CPL training.” 

— Pastor Dwight

“Sisu Firearms offers a great training class for people interested in obtaining their CPL. Steve is very knowledgeable and accommodating to meet your training needs and schedule. He came to my house and did the training class for me and 5 other friends. It was a one-day class with the lecture/training followed by hands on pistol shooting to ensure confidence in handling and using a firearm. I have recommended Steve to others looking to obtain their CPL.”

— Gino

“After hearing about more and more shootings in schools and places of worship, my wife and I decided to take a concealed carry licensing course from Steve Oja, who was a member of our church at that time. I can't say enough good things about Steve and his course. He has an impressive fund of knowledge when it comes to various types of firearms and accessories, as well as legal ramifications of what to do should a person need to act in self defense. Steve is an effective teacher for the total novice and the expert alike. My wife (who had no experience with shooting or even how to safely handle a firearm) and I both learned an incredible amount, both in the classroom and on the shooting range. I would encourage anyone who has ever thought about getting a concealed carry permit, DO IT! Being able to defend yourself or your loved ones will more than justify the modest time and money spent to complete the course.”

— Ivan

When my wife and I were looking to get our CPL(s), we wanted someone who was knowledgeable and experienced with firearms. Steve was all that and more. By prioritizing firearm safety, we are confident in the handling of firearms and in having them in our household. Steve came directly to our home to teach the class with our small group.  We highly recommend Steve as an instructor.

— Titus Crisan

“I took a CPL class with Steve at Sisu Firearms in 2014. The classroom session was very informative and thorough. He took the time to answer any question during and after the class. He really stressed the responsibility that all gun owners have, whether carrying or storing at home. I walked away from the classroom with a lot of new knowledge about gun laws and how they apply to gun owners. While at the range, he took the time to work with all students no matter their comfort level. I am a long-time gun owner and learned a lot on how to shoot consistently. He also had several newer gun owners in the class and was able to train them on how to accurately shoot and handle firearms in a safe manner. Overall, I would highly recommend the CPL class with Steve and Sisu Firearms! ”

— Matt

“I really enjoyed my CPL class.  Steve made sure we understood all of the information and answered all of our questions before moving forward.  In addition to the informative aspect of the class, we were also able to be hands on with practice items to get used to being around weapons and handling them in a safe way.  Although I had grown up with firearms in my house, I was never hands on with them or taught how to use them so being able to safely practice without using real ammunition was extremely helpful.  I also appreciated how Steve worked one-on-one with us at the firing range.  He made sure that we were comfortable with our weapons, but he had a healthy respect for them as well.  I would recommend Sisu Firearms to anyone looking for their CPL, refresher training, or just one-on-one range mentorship.”

— Carrie

“I couldn’t stress this enough. Every gun owner should take this class. Steve was very informative, especially about safety. Steve made me more aware of the dangers and responsibilities of owning a gun. He also made me aware of risks of owning a cheap gun.” 

— Corey